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PDP_1736The Sanskrit word Manipura is broken down into mani (jewel) pura (place, city). Manipura is the third chakra residing in the naval center. It is said that jewels reside here, jewels representing fire, power, self-confidence, self-esteem and transformation.

The desire to live in one’s true power can be exhilarating, but scary and intimidating at the same time. Fear has many affects on our mind, body, and spirit. It can hold us back from living the life we truly want if we let it. Ask yourself: what would I do if I wasn’t afraid? What makes me truly happy? Are my thoughts for me or against me? Do I have the courage to get what I want?

This fire meditation will help you connect with your true desires and strengths. Take a comfortable seat. Cup your left hand and make a fist with your right hand. Place your right fist in your left open palm and extend your right thumb up. Draw your hands in front of your naval center. Close your eyes and imagine the jewels and fire that rests within you.

Your thumb represents the energy and fire. Imagine the yellow flame glowing and flickering with each inhale and exhale. The warmth of this flame spreads through you and nurtures you with its healing light.

Bring to mind the things that you are yearning to let go of, the thoughts that stop you from achieving what you want. With each inhale and exhale, the flame grows bigger and brighter. Your confidence builds and you feel ready to release those things that inhibit you into the fire. As you release and burn those inhibiting thoughts, become aware with the feeling of freedom and empowerment that you are creating. Feel the veil of fear and insecurity being lifted and find what truly resides within.